Our 2024 Challenge is to secure a guaranteed monthly income to sustain our patient care program. This can be done through monthly Debit orders, PayPal and EFT’s. Any amount monthly will give us the security where we can plan ahead for our sustainability. BE OUR HOSPICE SUPERHERO!


In answer to the cry of the spirit
Hospice says we will be here
We will be here with you in your living
and in your dying.
We will free you from pain
and give you the freedom to find your own meaning in your life-
your way.

We will comfort you and those you love -
not always with words,
often with a touch or a glance.
We will bring you hope -
not for tomorrow, but for this day.
We will not leave you.
We will be here.
by Dorothy DH Ley

The Kath Defilippi Fund

South Coast Annual Tree of Light

Cohsasa story from South Coast Hospice


"Stand up like a mountain; have faith like a rock; Love like an avalanche"

We thank our Media Partners for providing us with much needed coverage!